Executive functions in male adolescents with antisocial behavior

  • Yunier Broche-Pérez
  • Lindianay Cortés-González
Keywords: executive function, male adolescents, wisconsin sort card test, Hanoi tower.


Executive functioning (EF) deficits have been implicated in antisocial behavior, however the literature on the association between neuropsychological deficits in executive functions and adolescents with antisocial behavior is limited and the findings inconsistent. Objective: this study examines planning, mental flexibility and reversal learning in adolescents males involved in antisocial behavior and their age-matched male controls. Material and method: the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and Hanoi Tower where used to evaluate planning, set-shifting ability and reversal learning. The sample was comprised of 38 adolescents aged between 16 and 18 years and of 38 healthy controls, matched by age and education. Results: Adolescents with antisocial behavior showed more difficulties in planning, mental flexibility and reversal learning, as indicated by performance on the Hanoi Tower and WCST. Conclusions: The results on Hanoi Tower and WCST suggest altered feedback processing mechanisms in adolescents males involved in antisocial behavior whereas the findings also support the notion of EF difficulties related to dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortex functioning.
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