Guillain-Barré syndrome. Experience with 91 Children at a Pediatric Hospital in Northwestern Mexico

  • Alejandro Durán-de la Re
  • Ignacio Fonseca-Chon
  • Norberto Sotelo-Cruz
Keywords: Guillain-Barré syndrome, Miller-Fisher syndrome, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, anti-ganglyoside antibodies


Introduction: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute, inflammatory, demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy . Objective: To describe the clinical course, treatment, and evolution in 91 children. Methods: The variables were: age, gender, season, vaccines, disability grade, clinical variants, laboratory test, treatment, and evolution. JMP.SAS, software package. Results: Most were males (p = 0.035). Preschooler age (42%), Seventy five percent of cases (p
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