Analysis of gait disorder and balance in Ldiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus

  • Oscar Solís-Salgado
  • Mauricio Ayala-González
  • José Luis López-Payares
Keywords: idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus, deep white matter isquemia, cerebral blood flow, β-amyloid deposition


The gait disorder present on Idiopatic normal pressure hydrocephalus is the main symptom due to their early appearance and high frequency. This presentation allows us to differentiate from other pathologies that involves gait disorder like Parkinson Disease and others. These disturbances reflect a hypokinetic disorder that it has been catalogade like “Gait Apraxia” where the trunk, arm movement and sometimes appears an extrapiramidal syntomatology. The proposal made by H. Stolze its a study method whose main feature it’s the identification of the main component that it’s the decrease in the stride lenght. In the balance dynamic’s there are systems controlled by the frontal lobe and they do not involve cortical-spinal fibres, like the co-contraction mechanism that’s why the gait disorder is not a disturbence of structures like basal nuclei and thats why it has a good shunt response.
Review article