Protocol Care for Patients with Gender Dysphoria : a case report

  • José Luis Jiménez-López
  • María Elena Maldonado-Guzmán
  • Nancy Jiménez-Miranda
Keywords: gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder, transsexualism, triadic care therapy


Gender Dysphoria(GD) is a condition characterized by discomfort about the persistent feeling of incongruity with the gender assigned at birth. Although there are no conclusive epidemiological data, it is considered a rare condition. Clinical case: a 49year-old married man, college graduate, who began to say that “she was a girl” since childhood, preferred the opposite gender games and, eventually, dressed in female clothes. In adolescence the idea of sex change became persistent and, several years later, he started hormone treatment on his own. He was included in a multidisciplinary protocol at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, following a triadic care therapy: hormonal therapy,real life experience in the desired role, and sex reassignment surgery to the desired gender. Access to public health systems of persons with GD is difficult due to prejudice and discrimination against them, and to the insufficient development of programs for their care. We propose a multidisciplinary attention model for adults with GD.
Case report