Spinal cord ependymomas: evolution and prognosis

  • José Amaya-Mejía
  • Juan Nicasio Arriada-Mendicoa Arriada-Mendicoa
Keywords: spinal ependymoma, resection, surgical management, tracking.


The research aims to assess the functional state of the postsurgical patients who underwent resection of ependymomas spinal cord, in the period from 2011 to 2015. In Mexico, the epidemiology of spinal cord ependymomas is uncertain and even more depending on the histological characterization based on the histological type, site anatomical or the degree of tumor resection. The comprehensive diagnostic assessment of these patients is performed at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, what is important, not only establish an epidemiological database, aware of the prevalence of the ependymoma at institutional level, but also check the neurological function of the patient involved, contrasting its evolution from the initial evaluation, until his recovery rehabilitation after surgery.
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