Hemangiopericytoma / solitary fibrous tumor: case presentation and literature review

  • Luis Eduardo Pérez-Martínez
  • Luis Eduardo Pérez-Garza
  • Vladimir Satianni Hernández-Rodríguez
  • Patricia Alcocer-Gregory
Keywords: Hemangiopericytoma, Meningeal, Solitary Fibrous Tumor, NAB2, STAT6


Hemangiopericytoma / Meningeal Solitary Fibrous Tumor are rare tumors of the central nervous system that have a high rate of local recurrence and extracranial metastasis. Due to their scarcity, there is little statistical data to determine the best course of treatment, but a better outcome is associated with total resection. The subject is revisited due to the recent change in nomenclature and classification of this type of tumors and the presentation of a case and its management. Subsequently, a review of the literature is done to identify the epidemiology, presentation, diagnosis, predictive values and current treatment globally.
Review article