Nasal schwannoma

  • Josefina A. Morales-del Ángel
  • Natalia Montemayor-Peña
  • Baltazar González-Andrade
  • José Luis Treviño-González
  • Rolando de la Garza Giacomán
Keywords: schwannoma, tumor of nasal cavity, paranasal sinus tumors beningnos.


The head and neck schwannomas constitute between 30 e 45% of extracranial schwannomas. Those located in the nasal cavity are the 4% of head and neck. Most commonly arising in the nasoestomoidal complex, followed by maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinus. ‘Clinically present with unilateral nasal obstruction, pain, localized and epistaxis. There is a predilection for males. The diagnosis is made histopathologically; however, it may be suspected by findings on CT or MRI. The treatment is complete surgical resection.
Case report